Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How It All Started

Many moons ago and long before he met me, my husband had another. We will call her 'the ex'. Shortly before they broke up, she got it in her head that she wanted to buy a house in Flowerdale, Victoria to fix up. Thinking this was not only a good idea, but possibly a potential business venture, he enlisted one of his good friends, and they bought the "house" (for lack of a better term) together.

Nine years have passed. The ex has moved into friendship status and he's met the love of his life - me. Because he's also the love of my life, I find myself trapped in the strange mix of curses of blessings that came along with this "house".

I shall use this blog to share some of the misadventures we've had since we decided to move in to this project and get it finished more quickly, as well as tips on how to live in a construction site.

I hope you enjoy.


  1. I hope the real estate market is better in Australia than it is here!

  2. It's hard to say, especially in our area. Lots of people lost their homes and some aren't allowed to rebuild, but if we can't sell it, we can always just keep it. :)
